Prvi dubrovački znanstveni neurokirurški simpozij / The First Dubrovnik Scientific Neurosurgical Symposium – Meet the Giants of World Neurosurgery održan je u hotelu Hilton Imperial u Dubrovniku od 11. do 13. listopada 2024. godine. Simpozij je okupio pedesetak hrvatskih i svjetskih neurokirurga iz svih dijelova svijeta (Sjedinjene Američke Države, Italija, Njemačka, Brazil), s temama iz neuroonkologije, kirurgije lubanjske osnovice, cerebrovaskularne kirurgije i neurotraumatologije. Nazočili su vodeći svjetski neurokirurzi – Ossama Al-Mefty (ravnatelj Odjela za kirurgiju lubanjske osnovice Sveučilišne bolnice Brigham i profesor neurokirurgije na Sveučilištu Harvard u Bostonu), Ali Krisht (ravnatelj Neurokirurškog instituta u Little Rocku, Arkansas), Luis Borba (Izabrani predsjednik Svjetske federacije neurokirurških društava, WFNS), Franco Servadei (Počasni predsjednik Svjetske federacije neurokirurških društava, WFNS), Peter Winkler (Utemeljitelj Europske neurokirurške akademije u Salzburgu), Kenan Arnautović (Prvi dopredsjednik Svjetske federacije neurokirurških društava, WFNS) i mnogi drugi.
U sklopu znanstvenoga programa održan je i satelitski simpozij s temama vezanim uz povijest, razvoj i perspektive neurokirurgije u sklopu Opće bolnice Dubrovnik, kao i suradnih medicinskih struka u kojem su sudjelovali vodeći liječnici dubrovačke bolnice. Po završetku Simpozija Prof. dr. Ossama Al-Mefty sa Sveučilišta Harvard održao je zapaženo predavanje na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku.
Ovaj znanstveni skup omogućen je svesrdnom podrškom Opće bolnice Dubrovnik na čelu s ravnateljem izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijom Bekićem i Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku, kao i brojnih sponzora, te medijski popraćen i bodovan od strane Hrvatske liječničke komore.
Predsjednik organizacijskoga odbora simpozija, prof. prim. dr. sc. Bruno Splavski (voditelj Odjela za neurokirurgiju Opće bolnice Dubrovnik) izrazio je očekivanje kako će skup postati tradicionalan, obzirom na izrazito pozitivne reakcije uzvanika i sudionika skupa te odjek u javnosti.
izv. prof. prim. dr. sc. Dario Mužević, dr. med.
The Croatian Neurosurgical Society was founded in 1992, on the initiative of several enthusiastic fellow neurosurgeons for the benefit and advancement of the neurosurgical profession and profession in the Republic of Croatia. Today, in 2022,we proudly celebrated the 30th year of the foundation of the Company, now as the Professional Society of the umbrella professional association of Croatian medicine, the Croatian Medical Association.
The Croatian Neurosurgical Society organized symposium which was held on Friday, November 4, at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb.
Lectures were given by numerous renowned neurosurgeons from the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Italy and Slovenia, along with a series of lectures by our leading Croatian neurosurgeons and neuroscientists.
At the end of the official program, a formal gala dinner was organized at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb, where they attendedrecognitions and certificates of thanks were given to the doyens of Croatian neurosurgery and leading European neurosurgeons.
For the first time in historyNovember 24 will be celebrated as World Radiosurgery Day. This date is the birthday of the Swedish neurosurgery professor Lars Leksell, who is considered the "father of radiosurgery".
Radiosurgery is designed to improve outcomes associated with traditional brain surgery.It uses a precisely focused and highly conformal delivery of radiant energy to treat diseases and disorders of the brain.
The foundations of radiosurgery were laid in the late 1940s, and the first patient was treated in 1951. Since then, millions of patients have been treated using radiosurgery devices that combine the accuracy and precision of image guidance with the ability to focus radiation beams, while eliminating the need for invasive surgery. Continuous improvements in radiosurgical technologies have been noted andchanges in treatment paradigms, which led tomore refined treatments and expanded indications. Research and clinical trials, which are still ongoing today, have better defined treatment indications and improved patient outcomes.
The role of radiosurgery has evolved and expanded far beyond its original concept. Although the first radiosurgery indications were focused on pain and other functional disorders, the principles of intracranial radiosurgery have been extended to the treatment of a large number of brain diseases and skull base pathologies, and have also been applied extracranially. Stereotactic body radiotherapy has also been developed and, where available, is the gold standard of care for many oncology patients, including those with lung, liver and spine tumors.Every day, thousands of patients benefit from radiosurgery performed in medical centers around the world.